OpenShift Exclusive Session

Arjun Chauhan


Recently I got the chance to attend a Webinar for importance and usage of Openshift in the real world industry. The session was headed by:

”Mr. Amel Mathai” (Technical Delivery Manager, Redhat Training )

▪️”Amel is world’s First Ansible certified professional and also working in Redhat from more than 12 years now.”

”Mr. Daleep Bais” (Senior Technical Instructor, RedHat Technologies)

▪️Daleep’s consulting experience is primarily on Redhat’s PaaS and storage services. And daleep has an impeccable record of being a Redhat Certified Engineer to Redhat’s clients across Asia Pacific.

The session began with telling the need to move from bare metal architecture to containerization. Docker was one of the most prominent reason why containerization become so popular. However nowadays podman is also becoming increasingly popular

Then later we were introduced to kubernetes and it’s importance and why just having containers was not enough for us. It provide us a orchasteration tool by which we can manage contol or maintain our containers very easily challenges are Deployment, Hardening & Operations. So openshift is just an enterprised version of kubernetes.

Openshift allows the management of containers. This makes the process of management very easy and automated. This is important as it overcomes the problem of containerization like registry , scaling , monitoring, scheduling, authentication , networking etc.

During the end of the session we were given a live demonstration of podman and openshift. Openshift has a web console hence it is very easy to use for people who don’t have much coding knowledge. Also the people migrating from the kubernetes need not worry because all the kubectl commands are available in the openshift environment too.

It was a very informative session. It is special because it was not about teaching a certain topic. It was important because we were introduced with the real world use and need for the technology.



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